Leslie J. Sprigg (1920 - 2016)       ex: Leading Telegraphist.   Royal Navy.

WWII Scrapbook

MTB 695
MTB 753
HMS Greenwich
Ernest Leah
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Joan's WWII Scrapbook

Throughout Leslie's Royal Navy Coastal Forces WWII service Joan kept a scrapbook of anything remotely to do with the Motor Launches and MTBs .

The plan is to scan in all 70 odd pages and load them on to this page.This will obviously take some time so this page is still under construction but in the meantime here is a list of all the names mentioned in the cuttings taken from the papers of the time. If you want more info on any particular item please email the webmaster with your request.

(Please Click on the clipping pictures for larger images)

p7   Lt G J Macdonald
p11  L/Cdr McGowan / Lt Messenger  Marlow  Colville
p13  Raid on Ymuiden
p15  Peter Scott
p18  Dickens
p19  Trelawney
p19  ( HMS Pychley .  L/Cdr Hodgkinson )  Edge / Lightoller / Marshall / Burk (also loose p28)

p26  L/Cdr Lyle  Bradford
p27  Arnold Foster  Sykes
P28  Lt Orum  Cookson  M.L.
p29  (loose) McDonald NZ
p30  DUTCH  L/Cdr Lamive,  Jorissen
p31  Magnus  White  MacDonald
p33  Dixon   Shore   Arnold Forster
p34  May  Standley
p36  McGowan  Taylor  Bibbert  Dempster  Dixon  Best  Marshall
p49  Mathias  Marshall  Baker     Bowen (ML121)
p52  L/Cdr Ward
p55  Wright
p57  Wilkie   Bone  Plugge  Deloozo (Dutch)
p58  Law  Wright  Wilkie
p63  Bradford  Collins
p64  Curry
p68  Cartwright  Price  Rout
p69  Thompson  (Price  Rout  NZ)
p70  Dixon + p71
p72  Gemmell  Cartwright

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This page was last updated Tuesday February 09, 2016